The Change Over

How can I successfully make the change to the water fed pole system? By Admin For many traditional window cleaners, the thought of moving over to the water fed pole system is perhaps a daunting one. Your customers have been used to and sometimes even have a preference for traditional cleaning methods. More than likely…

Price increase

Dear Customer, In order to maintain a viable service, it has become necessary for me to increase most prices as from my next visit. In some cases I have not increased my prices for a number of years. Although I appreciate that the official inflation rate has been consistently low for some time, the actual…

Price increase letter

Dear Valued Customer Due to the increase cost in running a small business ( mainly insurance and diesel costs ) i must unfortunately raise the cost of our service to you We have avoided raising our prices for as long as possible, but we can no longer prolong the inevitable. I have listed our new…

Price increase letter

Dear Mrs Jones, With the effect of our next clean we will be increasing our price to £________. We would like to remind you that we are fully insured for your protection are health and safety conscious, and would like to thank you for your continued custom. Please do not hesitate to contact us if…